
Something holding you back?

Let’s talk about it.


Earlier in “I HATE Constraints,” we thought through examples where a constraint or something “holding us back” could be a benefit in disguise. Like the tail on a kite. It’s not meant to hold the kite down, but to provide the best angle of attack. It allows the kite to soar safely in the wind. Are you soaring? So, sometimes we’re held back – at least for a while – for a positive purpose.

The Foundational Principle was that we don’t have the “higher perspective” to see how everything fits together, or the wisdom to know how it will all play out. So, do the best you can with the best attitude possible. Be kind and patient. Focus on helping others while you wait.

Now, let’s ask whether there are “negative” things that can hold us back.

Of course.

Maybe someone held you back on a promotion, or you endured a bad job environment, or you had to fight through health issues or any number of different things. When you’re my age, this list can be long indeed! Is that weight going to follow you around and drag you down forever? Did you get bitter… or better? Have you been overcome, or are you an overcomer?

Have you been overcome, or are you an overcomer?

You’ve heard the stories.

“Colonel” Sanders failed throughout his life and was on the brink of suicide.  But there was one thing he knew how to do.  He could cook.  He had a special recipe for cooking chicken.  And he made millions late in life when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Abraham Lincoln had multiple business and political failures. Walt Disney? He’d never amount to anything, right? Reagan? Just an actor, and not necessarily a very good one.

How about Helen Keller??

So… everything that’s happened to you, or that you’re currently going through. Will it hold you down, hold you back, or will you learn and move forward?

Physical issues resulting from unforgiveness can hold you down. You’ve read the reports, how negative emotional responses can contribute to high blood pressure and worse. Read the compelling Scriptural warning against unforgiveness in Matthew 18:23-34.

A negative attitude can hold you back. Who wants to work with a chronic complainer? He or she can poison a whole team! I remember arriving at Robins AFB in the ’80s and working with some other officers who were “career broadening” away from their flying assignments. Complain?!  Oh, yeah! I got tired of listening to it and stopped going to lunch with them on “Mexican Thursdays.”

And, unfortunately, we’ve all seen those who don’t learn from mistakes (or get the help they need to identify root cause issues and overcome them). They keep making the same poor decisions.

Foundational Principle: Life is short. Don’t hide, ignore, or hang on to past hurts, failures, and disappointments.

I don’t mean to make light of this. Some hurts go deep, indeed. Some go back to childhood. I hope and pray that you will receive the help you need to be a victor and move on with a meaningful, rewarding life; not a victim continuing to live a life of regrets that will continue holding you back.

From a Christian perspective, here are some other, related foundations for life:

2 Cor 5:17

Mark 11:26

Phil 3:7-12

Thoughts? Comments? Love to hear from you!

