Are You Deceived?!


No? Are you sure?

This will keep you up at night: By definition, if we’re deceived, we don’t know it!

Hmmm. Okay, deep topic. But if this blog is about Foundations, then this concept takes us straight down to bedrock!

Why do you believe what you believe? I’m not talking about preferences or opinions. I’m talking about the key, foundational “pillars” of your life.

Think about it. It’s one thing to be “deceived” for fun. We enjoy watching David Copperfield, Penn and Teller, and folks on America’s Got Talent who professionally “deceive” us as illusionists.

Unfortunately, others also deceive us, and it’s not entertaining. Ever been deceived by a salesperson, a home contractor, or the media? Or “science” (“Everybody believes that xyz…”)? It may take years—if ever—to realize we’ve been duped.

Any deception going on leading up to recent elections in the USA? How about all that’s going on leading up to THIS one?

What are your sources of news and information? Are they consistently trustworthy? If shown to be in error, do they correct their mistake or simply move on hoping you’ll forget? Do you realize that many internet “news” sites are simply clickbait traps? Yes, even “conservative” ones. They sucker you in with ridiculous teasers, then you have to scroll through countless “click bait” pages to get to the poorly researched story!

Foundational Principle: We must each carefully examine what we believe, why we believe it, and how we can “truth test” that belief.

Here’s a stern warning: “But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13 (NASB) Think about it. Those who intentionally deceive others can be more easily deceived themselves!

So how can we keep from being deceived? Here are some of my thoughts.

  • “Follow the money.” If someone can gain significant wealth (power, etc.) by promoting a particular position, there’s a real possibility that the “facts” might be skewed toward a misleading conclusion. Do I hear faulty ignition switches, falsified diesel tests, and “safe and effective” vaccines that will prevent getting or spreading COVID?
  • Remember: “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Look for accountability!
  • We frequently hear of otherwise intelligent people who “cooked the books” or tweaked research results (etc.) to keep their jobs. Look for—and place great value on—integrity. And in the words of Ronald Reagan, trust but verify!
  • Final thought: If a person lies for you, they can just as easily lie to you. Yes, private lives matter.

How can we “come out of” deception? Follow the “Foundational Principle” above, and:

  • Seek people of integrity who will “be real” and tell it to you straight.
  • Then listen to them. Married? This often starts with your spouse!


  • Whenever the Bible says something like, “Do not be deceived,” pay attention. It’s amazing how many times “deceive” and its derivatives appear in the Old and New Testaments.
    • First, it means that you can be deceived.
    • Second, you either just read or are about to read something important that is meant to keep you from becoming deceived!
    • If you’re open to allow God to direct your life, His Word can expose deception and lead you into truth.

Next principle:

The Bible warns against those who preach “another gospel.” Several major religions are based on “revelation” given to a single person, ostensibly by an angel. The warning?

Galatians 1:8, New American Standard Bible (NASB): But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!


The Bible warns against those who specifically don’t want to know the truth!

2 Timothy 4:3, New American Standard Bible (NASB): For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires…

Of course, these points are meaningless if you don’t even read the Bible. Sadly, few Christians in America do on a regular basis. Remember: We either intentionally seek truth, or we will likely fall into ever-increasing deception.

My prayer since 2016 has been that God would: “Reveal truth and lead us to it; expose deception and deliver us from it.”

Will you join me in this prayer?

Question: How else can we avoid deception? Love to hear from you: 



P.S. – Shout out to Reverend Bob Bierman and his podcast, Truth2Ponder. Bob CAREFULLY researches what he shares and provides some excellent perspectives. I also recommend Reverend/Governor Mike Huckabee’s newsletters, World Net Daily (WND) news, and Epoch Times (paywall, but excellent material well documented).

2 thoughts on “Are You Deceived?!”

  1. Bill,
    I’m so grateful for your posts and newsletter in a time when the world is following deception like lost sheep.
    Thank you,
    Judith Blevins

    1. Judith,
      Many thanks for the encouragement. Stay tuned for additional blogs and something else I hope to be adding in the near future…!
      Bill Best

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