
Are You #1?

T Jefferson - It would Reduce

Are You #1??


Let’s talk about it.

Relax. I’m not a seven-figure guru who’s out to make you feel bad that you aren’t an over-achiever. Nor am I giving any of us a free pass to be slackers or live in mediocrity.

But I have some perspectives which may be useful in our chaotic world. Remember, my theme/brand/slogan is: “Building strong foundations in a shifting world.”

So, consider this.

Have you thought of the computational power that existed worldwide in the late 50s and early 60s? (Crickets)

Yet what did the United States achieve during that time?  Do projects like the SR-71 Blackbird, Mercury and Gemini (later, Apollo), and color television come to mind?

How were they developed?  For the most part: Paper, pencils, slide rules, and chalkboards!

Best I can figure, you probably have more computational power in your Smartphone than existed in total, worldwide, in the late 50s and early 60s!

Now, how do you use your Smartphone? Calls, checking the weather, Facebook…

Foundational Thought: It’s usually not what you have that’s most important. It’s how you USE what you have.

Simple, but think about it.

Most of us work or have worked with other people. Maybe you’ve worked with a “superstar.” But… what if that person’s not a good team player? They could be a technical prodigal, but they might drive customers away faster than you can bring them in!

Maybe there’s a team member who’s unreliable. Since they came in late, they make up for it by leaving early; and repeat on a regular basis.

You get the point. Gossips, grumblers, prideful; any number of issues that could reduce your team’s effectiveness – your company’s success – even if they are “Number One” in their field!

In most cases, I’d prefer working successfully with a competent person who has a strong work ethic, represents himself/herself well, is reliable, and builds the team – the TEAM – to reach greater success.

Here’s another perspective.

In the modern multi-faceted business culture, is it necessary to always hire “Number One” personnel?  What if (this part makes me feel better about myself!)… what if the greater business success comes from developing a diverse team, not necessarily all of whom are the top-of-their-class, but who bring together multiple talents, skills, experiences, and great attitudes? You’ve heard the word: Synergism!

It’s my opinion that when this kind of team tackles a job, that synergism can bring creativity, energy, and stability that will strongly benefit most companies!

I also propose that those workers, in that environment, will have higher job satisfaction, be more loyal, and suffer less stress-related sick days.

So… I’ve done a lot of things over the decades, but can’t say I was a “Number One” in any of them.  And you know, it sure has been an honor to work with several  excellent teams over the decades that may not have had any “Number One’s,” but which really got a lot of important work done!

Maybe we’re slowly seeing a shift where the greatest success from a personal perspective, will be to work for excellence (always), but then to seek career broadening and other personal development opportunities along the way. Hmm. Come to think of it, that was exactly what the Air Force officer development plan looked like back in the 80’s…!

Parents, might some of this apply to how you encourage your kids in school and life? There will be prodigals in the arts, sciences, math, and sports.  Hopefully, not at the expense of other disciplines.  But a well balanced young man or woman who does well in multiple areas?  Even if they don’t excel in any?  They may have a very strong foundation for a successful future!

So, what are your thoughts?

P.S. – I have (occasionally) had the best of both worlds.  I’ve been honored to work with some exceptional “Number One” people, who were strong team players, a delight to work with, and a tremendous benefit to the organization.  Shame on any organization that doesn’t appreciate them!

All the Best, Bill


