
Bill Best

I've been honored to serve God and Country in various capacities for many years. In 2005, I retired as a Colonel following 30 years in the U.S. Air Force. Two-thirds of that career was as a Reservist after I left Active Duty to help start and operate a Christian Radio Ministry in Middle Georgia. When ownership changed the station format, I shifted careers again and now serve as a Program Manager for a Department of Defense Contractor. Also, I'm now a blogger and author. Sign up now to stay in touch!


When is bad news…good? It’s a matter of perspective. “The car is totaled; but no one was injured.” “You need surgery; but the cure rate is 100%.” This blog is primarily about foundations we can build into our lives, principles to help us weather difficult times and live more fulfilling lives. This often means first […]

Ouch! Read More »

Is your life in balance? (Seriously…?!!?)

So: Is your life in balance?   Let’s talk about it. First, balance is like humility. Once you think you have it? It’s gone. Think of performers you’ve seen: Cirque du Soleil, America’s Got Talent, ice skaters, and the like. They start off in balance…hopefully. But they must continually adjust. Having your life, marriage, family, work, and ministry in balance

Is your life in balance? (Seriously…?!!?) Read More »

Are You Deceived?!

No? Are you sure? This will keep you up at night: By definition, if we’re deceived, we don’t know it! Hmmm. Okay, deep topic. But if this blog is about Foundations, then this concept takes us straight down to bedrock! Why do you believe what you believe? I’m not talking about preferences or opinions. I’m talking about

Are You Deceived?! Read More »