Bill Best

I've been honored to serve God and Country in various capacities for many years. In 2005, I retired as a Colonel following 30 years in the U.S. Air Force. Two-thirds of that career was as a Reservist after I left Active Duty to help start and operate a Christian Radio Ministry in Middle Georgia. When ownership changed the station format, I shifted careers again to become a Program Manager for a Department of Defense Contractor. In 2021 I retired, and am now a blogger and an author. Sign up now to stay in touch!


“It is finished.”   The last words Christ said from the cross.  And then He died. What was finished?  At the Last Supper, Jesus spoke of a new covenant.  Not in the sacrificial system inaugurated in the wilderness, and transferred to the Temple.  No, this would be a New Covenant in His own blood. The

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