Bill Best

I've been honored to serve God and Country in various capacities for many years. In 2005, I retired as a Colonel following 30 years in the U.S. Air Force. Two-thirds of that career was as a Reservist after I left Active Duty to help start and operate a Christian Radio Ministry in Middle Georgia. When ownership changed the station format, I shifted careers again to become a Program Manager for a Department of Defense Contractor. In 2021 I retired, and am now a blogger and an author. Sign up now to stay in touch!

Are You #1?

Are You #1??   Let’s talk about it. Relax. I’m not a seven-figure guru who’s out to make you feel bad that you aren’t an over-achiever. Nor am I giving any of us a free pass to be slackers or live in mediocrity. But I have some perspectives which may be useful in our chaotic world. Remember, […]

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