

1 Oct 21: Attempt to Provide the REST of the Story

Tobacco, partially-hydrogenated margarine, and leaded gasoline are safe, right?  Eggs are bad, right?  Oh, how “science” changes over time. We’ve each made choices based on best info we’ve been exposed to.  But COVID continues.  Before making any more decisions, here’s some professional (not bureaucratic) perspective you may not be aware of. Question:  Why do you

1 Oct 21: Attempt to Provide the REST of the Story Read More »

Is Your Life “ISO”? Does it matter?

“Okay, what in the world is he talking about now?!” ISO. “Eye’-sew.” You know, the International Standardization Organization. Thanks to them, we have standardized shipping containers, standards for various computer and television interfaces, universal icons (stop, play, pause, etc.), and much more. I worked for an engineering and manufacturing firm. We voluntarily subscribed to ISO 9001:2008 and AS

Is Your Life “ISO”? Does it matter? Read More »